Join the Fire Department

Paid On-Call Firefighting is a rewarding and valuable way to serve your community. It takes dedication and many hours of training and education.  If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, there is a place in our department for you.

Interested candidates can fill out an application and mail it to City Hall or email it to City Clerk/Assistant City Administrator, Amy Benting at  Applications for the next hiring cycle will be accepted starting March 1, 2025


To join the fire department, candidates must:
  • be 18 years or older
  • have a high school diploma
  • be able to pass a criminal background check and psychological evaluation
  • have a valid Minnesota driver’s license
  • pass a physical agility test (PAT)  NEXT PAT TEST: May 29 2025, 6:30pm
  • live within 10 minutes of a Dayton fire station, per Google maps.
  • It is not required that candidates live within the boundaries of Dayton

Dayton Fire Department Hiring Process

In addition to the general requirements, there are several steps in the DFD hiring process.  Please note that the full process can take up to 2 months.  If there are no positions open at the time of your inquiry, your application will be saved and you will be contacted when a position comes available.


  • Submit an Application. This can be sent to City Hall or emailed to Amy Benting at
    • Applications for the next hiring cycle will be accepted starting March 1, 2025
  • Attend a Physical Ability Test session – NEXT PAT TESTING DATE: May 29 2025, 6:30pm
  • Interview with a panel of up to six department members
  • BCA criminal background and driving record check
  • Psychological Evaluation
  • Full physical, including drug test, hearing screening and EKG

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time commitment?

  1. Members must attend a minimum of 16 out of 24 hands-on trainings each year.
    1. Training and equipment truck checks occur on Thursday evenings
    2. Additional paid trainings will be offered (outside of Thursday evenings), throughout the year
  2. Member participation and call attendance is monitored and discussed during performance evaluations with the Department Chief.
  3. Members are encouraged to participate in Public Relation events throughout the year such as the Dayton Fire Department open house, parades, public education events, award banquets, city sponsored events, etc.

What is the compensation?

During your probationary period as a Firefighter the wage is $15/hr. Once you are off probation and a pinned Firefighter you move up to $17/hr. Our officers (Lieutenants and Captains) currently make $19/hr.

How am I trained? (See video link below)

Once you are hired you will join the Northwest Suburban Fire Academy. In this academy you will train with surrounding Fire Departments through EMT, HazMat Operations, Fire 1 and Fire 2. The academy typically runs from the beginning of September through the beginning of June. Once completed you will be a fully certified Firefighter-EMT and will feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment!

Do I have to know how to drive a fire truck?

A part of your training will be learning how to drive the big red truck! We will provide you with Emergency Vehicle Operation Course Driving and make sure that you are ready to respond to the emergency. Trust us! We will make sure you are confident before putting you out on the road.

Fire Academy Video