Southwest Dayton Development/Roadways
Southwest Dayton Development
Graco is constructing their first building (550,000 sq. ft.) within the former French Lake Industrial Center they purchased (100 acres). The first building is almost complete, and construction is expected to be complete by the end of 2022. The first building is a manufacturing facility that will include manufacturing, engineering labs, demonstrations labs, and office space. The second building (515,400 sq. ft.) is currently at the building permit review stage and is expected to begin construction this year, with an estimated completion date in 2023.
The Cubes Project (1,006,880 sq. ft.) distribution facility located on approximately 74.4 acres of land. The project estimates the possible creation of up to 400 full-time jobs. The project is currently underway, with construction estimated to be completed in the summer to fall of 2023. Coinciding with the project is the expansion of Dayton Parkway through the site to 117th Ave.
The Inland Development is a (334,750 sq. ft.) light industrial warehouse located on approximately 25 acres fronting County Highway 81. The project estimates 1 to 4 tenants with up to 58 dock positions and 80 trailer parking stalls. The project is currently at the building permit review stage and is expected to begin construction this year, with an estimated completion date in 2023. Coinciding with the project is the extension of Troy Lane to West French Lake Road to the east.
The MTL Project is a (210,000 sq. ft.) warehouse/distribution use with a terminal for garbage trucks and maintenance. The project is located on approximately 17.5 acres of land. This is located directly to the north of Troy Lane. This project is currently at the preliminary plat stage of the development process. The project is expected to be in front of the Planning Commission and City Council during the scheduled October meetings.
The Alro Project (195,000 sq. ft.) is an industrial manufacturer of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The site will have manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, and offices. The site is designed for an expansion to (249,000 sq. ft.) and is located on approximately 18.7 acres of land. This is located directly to the north of the Dayton Mobile Home Park and east of ICA Corporation. This project is expected to begin construction in 2023 after building permit approval. Estimated completion is expected in 2023 or 2024.
The Capital Partners Project is a light industrial warehouse with offices located on approximately 17.88 acres. The project estimates 1 to 4 tenants for a (248,000 sq. ft.) facility. The project is located to the northeast of the Dayton Mobile Home Park, directly east of the Alro site listed above. This project is currently going through the Final Plat process and will be in front of the City Council in August 2022. After building permit approval, the project is expected to begin construction in September 2022, with estimated completion in 2023. Coinciding with the project is the construction of 121st St, which will run from Brockton Lane to West French Lake Road.