Dayton is a statutory city and operates as a “Plan A” municipality with a City Administrator who handles the day-to-day management of all City Departments and operations. The City Administrator is responsible for the implementation of policies adopted by the City Council. The goal of the City is to provide quality of life to its’ residents through responsible decision making and excellent customer service. Council and staff have both agreed that to achieve this goal, it takes a team effort.
Positions within City Hall
City Administrator/Finance Director: Responsible for management of all City Departments, Implements policy set by the City Council to staff, handles all finance related matters including the audit, budget, and long-term plan.
Assistant City Administrator/City Clerk: Handles all legal paperwork and manages documents of the Council and Commissions, Runs elections and manages different licenses within the City, handles all data requests and is the official record-keeper for the City including the city code.
There are many different departments within the City, if you are needing a specific department besides Administration please call City Hall and use the prompts to direct your phone call.
All direct contact information can be found on our Contact/Directory page.