The Metropolitan Council is the regulatory authority for regional wastewater treatment, mass transit, and affordable housing.  Every ten years, the Metropolitan Council updates its policies and goals.  They will be accepting public comments of its “Imagine 2050” through October 7, 2025.  Imagine 2050 may be viewed here, and includes policies for Transportation, Land Use, Regional Parks and Trails, Water, and Housing.

After the Metropolitan Council adopts these policies in 2025, local governments including Dayton will begin working on the Comprehensive Plan update, due in 2028.  One significant change to DRAFT Metropolitan policies, is an increase in Net Density of housing, from a minimum of 3 units per acre (current) to 4 units per acre (proposed).   The intent is that land guided for development in 2030-2040, and 2040-2050 averages 4 dwelling units per net acre (net acre = gross acres minus wetlands, water bodies, public parks and trails, public open space, arterial road rights of way, and steep slopes).  In recent years, Dayton’s net density has been about 3+ units per net acre.  An increase to 4 units per net acre will require more land to be guided for smaller single-family lots, and higher density development, such as apartments and townhomes.  Public Comments may be submitted online through

You may also submit comments through:

Mail:  Metropolitan Council, 390 Robert Street N, St. Paul, MN 55101


Public Comment Line:  651-602-1500

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