Community Photo Contest

The City of Dayton is excited to announce the 2024 Community Photo Contest. The goal is to inspire individuals to explore and highlight the City of Dayton through their creativity and talent. Everyone is encouraged to participate including residents and businesses. Photos will be evaluated based on creativity, composition, and expression of the category.



  1. Life in Dayton – celebrating the community through recreation, events, arts, culture, sports and unique sites.
  2. Dayton through the seasons – exploring the beauty of our City through each distinct season.
  3. Youth Category– This is an opportunity for those 17 & under to share their favorite spots in Dayton.
Contestant Guidelines & Information
  • The contest is open to all who live, work or go to school in Dayton.
  • City employees, council or commission members and their families are not eligible to enter.
  • The contestant must be the actual photographer for each image submitted under their name. Photos must have been taken in the City of Dayton. Any submission not taken in Dayton will not be accepted. Submission of the photo and waiver is your guarantee that you are the author and copyright holder of the photo.
  • Contestants may enter up to 3 photos per category.
  • Contestants under the age of 18 must have consent from their parent/guardian.
  • To enter, photos must be submitted electronically by email to with signed photo release form. Each photograph should indicate the photographers first and last name, location photo was taken and photo caption. Unique captions to photographs are welcome. Entries will not be accepted without a signed release form.
  • All images should be high-resolution .JPG or JPEG. Black & White or Color are accepted. Emails received are limited to 50MB.  Multiple emails are allowed if needed.
  • The City of Dayton reserves the right to reject and/or remove from the contest any submitted image that depicts illegal, unsafe, potentially offensive, or otherwise inappropriate content, advertising, content implying City support or sponsorship; or any other content the City deems contrary to the goals and intent of the contest.
  • The City of Dayton is not responsible for any lost entries.
  • All submitted entries and photographs become the property of the City of Dayton.
  • Submissions received after the deadline will not be eligible.

The deadline for entries is 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 31st, 2024.


The community will be voting on the top photo in each category and an award of $50 will be given to the winners. The top 3 photos will be displayed inside Dayton City Hall and published in the Dayton Communicator.  Winners will be notified by email. If there is a tie in any category, we will have the city staff do a final vote.